1 min read

The Power of Procrastination

tldr; The longer you put of a decision, the more information you will have.
The Power of Procrastination
tldr; The longer you put of a decision, the more information you will have.

Generally, we make better decisions when we have more information.

We gather information in a million little ways, focused discovery, user interviews, data analysis, a/b tests, lived experience, etc. But, ultimately the most reliable way that we gather information is the passage of time.

Whenever we start an effort, there are inevitably obvious decisions that must be made to set the course of whatever product or feature is being developed. These decisions feel critical, and pressing, and sometimes, they feel like not making them will block any additional forward progress.

No matter how it feels, it is rare that a decision has to be made early in a planning process.

Decisions should come only when you've reached time criticality. The only time to make decisions is when you absolutely must to capture an opportunity.

Only make a decisions as work is being handed off for execution, (almost) never before.

Procrastination is your friend.

Procrastination is a super power, every day you put off a decision is another day to learn something you didn't already know, or couldn't already know.

When in doubt, give it another day.